Congratulations to our Sifu and Guardian Derek Dawson on being awarded his 6th Degree Black Sash. Derek took his Black Sash grading, under the close scrutiny of Master Russel during his recent visit to Ireland in May of this year.
Following quote and photo's provided courtesy of Guaridan Frankie Cooper:
"Massive congratulations to fellow Guardian Derek Dawson on being awarded his 6th Degree in Lau Gar Kung Fu. I have had the privilege of watching his grading and training with him and experiencing his understanding of Lau Gar over many years. It is a greatly deserved grade."
Our Sifu and Guardian Derek Dawson receiving his 6th Degree Black Sash and Certificate from Grand Master Yau and Master Russell.
Our Sifu and Guardian Derek Dawson receiving his 6th Degree Black Sash and Certificate from Grand Master Yau.
A huge congratulations go to our students who all took their Black Sash grading, under the close scrutiny of Master Russel during his recent visit to Ireland in May of this year.
Typically for 1st degree grading it takes about 45 minutes and is a physically and emotionally draining test. It takes about seven years of dedicated training and hard work to reach this point, which has really paid off for Paul Tunnicliffe, Ranga Masango, Dawid Szewzyk and Claude O'Reilly.
Paul Tunnicliffe receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Grand Master Yau.
Ranga Masango receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Dawid Szewzyk receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Grand Master Yau.
Claude O'Reilly receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Congratulations to Sean Collard being presented with his 2nd Degree Black Sash by Grand Master Yau at the Summer Course. Sean took his 2nd Degree Black Sash grading, under the close scrutiny of Master Russel during his recent visit to Ireland in May of this year.
Sean Collard receiving his 2nd Degree Black Sash and Certificate from Grand Master Yau.