A huge congratulations go to our nine students who all took their Black Sash grading, under the close scrutiny of Master Yau during his recent visit to Ireland in April of this year.
Typically for 1st degree grading it takes about 45 minutes and is a physically and emotionally draining test. It takes about seven years of dedicated training and hard work to reach this point, which has really paid off for Nathan, Patrick, Sean and Glen all pictured below, receiving their Black Sashes and Certificates from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Congratulations to John O'Neill and Micheal Lynch who graded for their 2nd Degree Back Sashes, all pictured below receiving their 2nd Degree Black Sashes and Certificates from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Congratulations to Simon Hugill, Carly Anderson and Warrick Bowler who graded for their 3rd Degree Back Sashes. Pictured below are Simon Hugill and Warrick Bowler receiving their 3rd Degree Black Sashes and Certificates from Sifu Derek Dawson. Unfortunately Carly Anderson was unable to be there on the day to collect hers.
Nathan Hegarty receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Patrick Maguire receiving his Black Sashes and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Sean Collard receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Glen Chegwidden receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
John O'Neill receiving his 2nd Degree Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Micheal Lynch receiving his 2nd Degree Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Simon Hugill receiving his 3rd Degree Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Warrick Bowler receiving his 3rd Degree Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Boyne Valley Martial Arts is honoured to host a winter training weekend led by the current keeper of the Lau Gar system, Master John Russell.
Purple Sash and Above
St Josephs Mercy Primary School Hall
2pm – 5pm
All Grades Welcome
St Josephs Mercy Primary School Hall
11am – 2pm
Two Days €75.00
One Day €40.00
Place Numbers are Limited – Please Book to avoid Disappointment
Lau Gar Ireland are honoured to host a training weekend led by the current keeper of the Lau Gar system, Grand Master Jeremy Yau.
Image Health Studios Wexford
2pm - 4pm
Image Health Studios Wexford
11am – 2pm
ADULTS €75.00
JUNIORS (U16) €60.00
Learn from the Masters and Senior Instructors of the BKFATheme - SELF DEFENSE - against Common Attacks Including Weapons
Llandudno Wales
£150.00 for the seven days