Master Yau Weekend Training Course in Wexford
Master Yau Weekend Training Course in Wexford
Master Yau Weekend Training Course in Wexford
Master Yau Weekend Training Course in Wexford
Master Yau Weekend Training Course in Wexford
Master Yau Weekend Training Course in Wexford
Sifu Derek Dawson being awarded as Guardian of Lau Gar by Master Yau
Carly Anderson receiving her Brown Sash from Sifu Derek Dawson
Bartosz (left) and John (right) receiving their Brown Sash
Simon Hugill receiving his Second Degree Black Sash from Master Yau at the BKFA Summer Course
Warrick Bowler receiving his Black Sash from Master Yau at the BKFA Summer Course
Stephen Mc Dowell Weapons Training at the BKFA Summer Course
Students at Inter-Club Tournament in Wexford
Students at Inter-Club Tournament in Wexford
Students at Inter-Club Tournament in Wexford
Ian at BKFA Nationals receiving trophy from Master Yau
BKFA Nationals
BKFA Nationals
Nathan Hegary at BKFA Nationals reciving his trophy from Master Yau
Sean Kealy at BKFA Nationals receiving his trophy from Master Yau
Stephen Bennett receiving his Black Sash from Sifu Derek Dawson
Training at Drogheda
Juniors sparring during training at Drogheda
Junior Grading Success in Drogheda
Sean Kealy (left), took yet another 1st in points sparring, at the Best of The Best Tournament
Kenneth and Micheal successfully passed their 7th cup (Brown Sash) grading