Our Sifu and Guardian Derek Dawson receiving his 6th Degree Black Sash and Certificate from Grand Master Yau and Master Russel.
Our Sifu and Guardian Derek Dawson receiving his 6th Degree Black Sash and Certificate from Grand Master Yau.
Sean Collard receiving his 2nd Degree Black Sash and Certificate from Grand Master Yau.
Paul Tunnicliffe receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Grand Master Yau.
Ranga Masango receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Dawid Szewzyk receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Grand Master Yau.
Claude O'Reilly receiving his Black Sash and Certificate from Sifu Derek Dawson.
Dawid Szewzyk, Paul Tunnicliffe and Sean Collard with their Black Sashes and Certificates at the Summer Course.
Group photo with Grand Master Yau at Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson with Guardian Frankie Cooper at the recent Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson with Guardian Frankie Cooper at the recent Summer Course.
Sean Collard and Paul Tunnicliffe at the recent Summer Course.
Sean Collard and Paul Tunnicliffe at the recent Summer Course.
Sean Collard and Paul Tunnicliffe at the recent Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson with Guardian Frankie Cooper at the recent Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson with Guardian Frankie Cooper at the recent Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson with Guardian Frankie Cooper at the recent Summer Course.
Dawid Szewzyk and Simon Camm at the recent Summer Course.
Dawid Szewzyk and Simon Camm at the recent Summer Course.
Sean Collard and Derek Christie at the recent Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson and Paul Tunnicliffe at the recent Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson and Paul Tunnicliffe at the recent Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson and Paul Tunnicliffe at the recent Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson and Paul Tunnicliffe at the recent Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson and Paul Tunnicliffe at the recent Summer Course.
Guardian Derek Dawson and Paul Tunnicliffe at the recent Summer Course.